Tag: Young Adult

  • The Grace Year

    The Grace Year

    Storyline: 4 Stars I read this for my book club, and it was an unexpected good book. I didn’t know much about it beforehand, but one of the book club members suggested that we read it. I think I especially appreciated it because it was a good book that was not overhyped on social media… Read more

  • The Cruel Prince

    The Cruel Prince

    Storyline: 4 Stars This trilogy has been on my radar for several years, and I finally got around to reading it. I remember when the first book came out, and I decided to wait until the whole series was out to read it. I have been burned too many times in the past with good… Read more

  • The Lunar Chronicles

    The Lunar Chronicles

    Storyline: 5 Stars I first read the Lunar Chronicles when I was in high school and they first came out. Ten years later, and they are just as magical as before! They are lighthearted and fun science fiction books meant for young adults, but there are still important themes throughout the books such as racism,… Read more

  • Caraval


    Storyline: 4 Stars I read the whole trilogy, and it was a whirlwind! If you are wanting a book with a really solid plot and substance, this book is not for you. However, it is very whimsical and the world is fun and the romance gets you sucked in! It’s a fairytale, and that’s exactly… Read more

  • A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

    A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

    Storyline: 3 Stars I read the whole trilogy, and unfortunately it was a trilogy that started with the best book. The idea of a school project and solving an old case was intruging, and although a little unbelievable, it was entertaining and enjoyable. The second two books were unbelievable in many different ways. The second… Read more

  • Once Upon a Broken Heart

    Once Upon a Broken Heart

    Storyline: 5 Stars This was a great fantasy series! I read the first one for a book club and then I cruised through the other two books very quickly. If fairytale books is your thing, then this is the book for you. Once Upon a Broken Heart is written for a junior high or high… Read more

  • Divine Rivals

    Divine Rivals

    Storyline: 4 Stars I knew that the Letters of Enchantment Duology was a fantasy, but I was not prepared for this type of fantasy. The world was different than other fantasy books that I have read. There was still advanced technology with the fantasy, and I appreciated that. It was a fresh take on fantasy… Read more

  • The Aurelian Cycle

    The Aurelian Cycle

    Storyline: 4 Stars I had a friend rate this series highly on Goodreads and she’s an expert in fantasy which is why I picked these books up. This was actually my first fantasy series that focused on dragons (besides Tolkien). I haven’t been drawn to dragon stories before, but the series was so much more… Read more

  • The Seven Year Slip

    The Seven Year Slip

    The Safe Pages Rating Romance The book is a romance, so it is not surprising that there is romantic content. There were two scenes that were intimate, about a page each, that I had to skip over because of the graphic content. The scenes seemed out of place because the rest of the book was… Read more

  • Vow of Thieves

    Vow of Thieves

    The Safe Pages Rating Romance In Vow of Thieves, the characters are more established in their relationship. One of the villians does try to impress and seduce one of the main characters, but it does not lead anywhere. There was less kissing and romantic scenes, but there was implied intimacy because the characters were married. I… Read more