The Housemaid

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There are not many descriptive romantic scenes, but the narrator does mention s*x and the main character is implied to have had relations with someone who is married. Nothing graphic is depicted, but the physical relationship is implied. 


There are several scenes of violence throughout the novel. One of the main focuses of the book is domestic abuse. Several characters are held prisoner, a character is forced to pull out their own hair, another character is forced to pull out their own teeth, and there are a few other instances of violence. If someone is sensative to domestic abuse, it may not be the book to read. 


There were some swear words, although they were generaly mild. I believe that there may have been one “f *ck” in the book, but outside of that the language was mild. There were some threats between characters that implied verbal abuse. 

Drugs and Alcohol

There is some mild drinking, such as sipping wine or having champagne, but none of the characters get drunk throughout the book. 


The book has a small cast of characters, although some are rich, some are poor, some are domestic, and some are international. For how small the cast of characters is, the book is fairly diverse. 


The book is for adults that enjoy a good mystery. Although both men and women would appreciate the book, it most likely would appeal to women foremost because of the woman main character and the themes throughout the book. 


I thought that the story was good. I have read more interesting and less interesting mystery thrillers. For some reason it was completely different than what I had been expecting, but it turned out better than I thought. I did enjoy all the twists, even if they were somewhat expected. It was fairly obvious that not everything was as it seemed, and I knew who the true “bad guy” was in the book from the beginning. Other than that, it was definitely entertaining. 

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